Site News
July 2013
(Vol 7 Issue 3) 

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Welcome to our Twenty-Nineth news page here at Schools of Nursing. Our third edition this year. It would be nice to increase the frequency, but without more help it is just not possible. But, looking on the bright side, we do try very hard to deliver an interesting and worthy page.

Nurse Histories - Ongoing...
Our next history - Anthony (Tony) Sisson - special and progressing. Hopefully it will be complete by December.

And yet another
new article from Sarah Rogers, this on the subject of the Maidstone Typhoid Epidemic Medals, is a large offering containing a valuable insight into the award of these medals. This latest article is perhaps one of Sarah's best to date.

There is yet another article by Sarah in the pipeline, but before that is the very pleasing news that she has opted to join an external course at the University of Edinburgh. We hope that she will still be able to make her now regular and much valued contributions to SoN. Perhaps she will give us more details for our next news page...

Ms Barbara Tyler - St Thomas Hospital - Scrapbook Part 3.
The third part of the scrapbook collection of Ms Barbara Tyler - "Assistant Matron-in-Charge at St. Thomas' Hydestile (Godalming, Surrey), when the hospital was moved out of London during the Blitz of 1941". We owe our thanks to  - Gina O - who kindly gave us permission to use her photographs. And also to Keith Haikes, an American nurse who is the current owner of the book and who has provided further photographs.

Ms Barbara Tyler Assistant Matron St Thomas Hospital Hydestle London

The scrapbook photographs are presented exactly as we received them - the icons above are linked to our own pages in a pseudo-reproduction - leaving a little room for us to perhaps eventually fill in the detail that the nurse creating the original, Ms Tyler, did not need since the scrapbook - and the memories it contains, was for her own use. As with any scrapbook, some of the photographs may well be meaningful only to Ms Tyler, but some are of recognizable, sometimes public figures. All are part of Barbara Tyler's story and are of historic importance as the scrapbook of a past Assistant Matron at St Thomas's Hospital. Especially this one! A glimpse of history. A treasure... PART 3 is here.

Email messages - Training Transcripts - Qualified Nurses.
In our experience it has not been possible for nurses seeking transcripts from schools which no longer exist to obtain copies. However, we can offer a couple of links which may help in your search:- 

Member Photograph Galleries.
Still accumulating, albeit now more slowly. The 'National' galleries now contain 3026 nursing/hospital badge photographs encompassing all areas of the UK; 383 photographs (buildings/people/ephemera); and 86 photographs of nurse uniforms, both civilian and military. Will we achieve 4000 by the end of 2013? Perhaps not, but we will have made solid progress and perhaps achieve the largest collection in the UK by then if not already....

National Galleries
Latest Member Uploads

Photographic rights
Kent & Canterbury Hospital badge
light blue enamel
Kent & Canterbury Hospital badge
dark blue enamel

We are already at 3495 - 4000 might just be possible by the end of 2013. We are well on the way and just maybe, we will see another magic number by the end of the year, thanks to our many contributors. We can now claim to have a mini photographic museum here at schoolsofnursing. Sincere, heartfelt, thanks...

But the photographs are not our be all/end all. Our online articles (19) are gaining too, to say nothing of our nursing histories and news pages. There is a very large amount of research involved. Someone's time. Someone's money. All given selflessly without thought of gain. What we have here are the seeds of success.

But please, don't break copyrights when uploading/sending photographs. If you are ever uncertain please ask. Most copyright holders we have met so far have been only to keen to assist.

And if you want to join - welcome to the Forum and Member Galleries - Register Here.

Please be aware, our site is rated on Google by Norton Internet Security as being absolutely safe. We intend to keep it that way. You can help by using a reasonable ID and your own genuine email address. Anything that appears dubious may result in failed registration. Our site is free to users. It is hosted by the largest ISP in Europe at commercial rates - with highly professional back-up. Safe and secure!

Certainly our visitors are wide ranging - from 44 countries worldwide... Australia & New Zealand and Canada are well represented in addition to the UK and USA. There are also some more esoteric sounding countries - China; Russia; Cayman Islands; Japan; Malaysia; plus Romania and Spain.

E-Mail Contact - 'contact' link (here and throughout the site) arrives directly on the webmaster's desk. Use it to communicate directly with the site. All mail is considered confidential unless the contents are stated to be otherwise. Stated to be for public consumption by you. Publication itself is an editorial decision.
Collecting... Medals awarded for service treating specific disease...
In this case Typhoid fever - perhaps one of the more feared fevers of its day... These particular medals were awarded to nurses who took part in fighting the Maidstone Typhoid epidemic of 1897. The largest outbreak ever to occur in the UK, with over 2000 cases before it was over. There have been other outbreaks - as late as 1963 there were occurrences at Harlow, Bedford and South Shields, and a larger outbreak at Aberdeen in 1964 where over 500 cases were reported...

What made the Maidstone outbreak of 1897 different was that it was spread via a contaminated public water supply and that it occurred before the advent of modern antibiotics - and before modern medical knowledge had answers. The carers bore the brunt, and nurses were at the forefront, around 100 being sent from the corporation of London - six from The London Hospital - including Edith Cavell...

All images copyright 'willb' @ schoolsofnursing 2013

And that a medal was awarded to those nurses. Beautiful designs crafted in solid silver with their own ribbon and bar. Only 400 medals were ever made. Far in excess, I suspect, of the number of collectors who would like to posses one. But make no mistake, typhoid fever was, in the 1890's, a horrible disease in its day. The care of those affected placed nurses caring for those affected at immediate risk of contracting the disease and it's more serious consequences - including death, themselves. There were 2,000 cases in Maidstone, with 143 deaths. It is thought that four nurses caught typhoid, though, thankfully, none died....

Every medal was richly deserved...

That I collected (above), originated from the collection of Dr A.L.Lloyd O.B.E. K.St.J. at a Bonham's auction in London
27 Mar 2013. The sale footnotes said 'Medals were awarded to the nursing staff who served in the town during the epidemic. Many were presented by the Major of the town at a special ceremony held at the Museum and Technical School on Wednesday 8th December 1897, an account of the presentation being given in the South Eastern Gazette of 14th December 1897. Some 700 people attended the presentation, including members of the Town Council, Magistrates and Clergy and other dignitaries.'  I feel that having one of the medals, albeit as a passing custodian, is a great privilege....

All images copyright 'backman' @schoolsofnursing 2013

'backman'  says - "Edith Cavell was one of a group of nurses from the London Hospital who were sent to Maidstone in Kent in 1897 to deal with a Typhoid epidemic which had resulted in many deaths. After the outbreak was contained those staff including Edith were awarded a medal for their services by the grateful citizens of the town. It was in fact the only medal awarded to her in her lifetime, the design of which was as above. I would love to know what happened to this medal and other awards after her death." I feel certain that this sentiment would be echoed by many others...

Onward. A badge which recently came to my attention was this solid silver Canterbury District Hospital School on Nursing item, which I was lucky enough to be able to acquire. We didn't seem to have one in the SoN galleries - which made this one a desirable addition.

All images copyright 'willb' @ schoolsofnursing 2013

The reverse side has suffered a little over the years - but the original owners name (M.C. Shepherd); the (original) pin fixing is somewhat crushed but fully working; the makers name (T&S); and the silver hallmarks(Anchor/Lion/?crossed torches) clearly legible. There is the crushed remainder of what must have been a loop for a safety chain....

copyright 'schoolsofnursing' 2013

T&S were, I believe, Turner and Simpson - a Birmingham manufacturer between 1912 and 1930.. Known to have manufactured various silver items, including fob medals and lapel badges between 1918 and 1931. A little confusingly, the badge appears to have an Edinburgh import mark. Phil, at 'silvermakersmarks' was fortunately able to clear up the date question for us, said ..'this is Turner & Simpson Ltd of Legge Lane, Birmingham with a hallmark date of 1961. The Turner & Simpson mark which I have seen for 1912-1930 is different to the mark on your badge (above). This mark was in use for a longer period and I have seen it with dates from 1929 to 1979 so 1961 is consistent'.... So there we have it - 1961. Though the badge could have been issued later - when C.M. Shepherd qualified. Perhaps we can find that date...  And I may now have to collect Canterbury items too!

Imagine, that you dreamt the whereabouts of the Maidstone typhoid epidemic medal awarded to Edith Cavell was in a London shop - unrecognised. And you only dreamt writing down the name of the shop and couldn't remember it when you awoke! Forgive yourself - you never would! Now, just how many shops are there in London...?

 Another photograph from the past - this one
from 1897

Maidstone Typhoid Epidemic Staff

*Training Hospitals/Details *Not Available

Back Row
Middle Row    
Can you help name the nurses and others in the photograph above?
Front Row

     Photo Gallery Click Here.

Our sincere thanks. To Ann Williams who trained at Charing Cross Hospital, London in 1968 for the superb assistance with our current PTS photograph and information. Ann lives with her family in Trinidad!! At Christmas she shared some of her time in Trinidad with Rita Gillen Brown - another Charing Cross nurse from the same group before Rita was visiting from Ireland. Originally Drogheda, Rita now lives in Bray, just south of Dublin. Jealous? Would I be blamed?

Well, that is yet another very pleasant note upon which to end the 24th Schools of Nursing Site News, if you can remember any of the missing names Ann Williams, and of course ourselves, would be delighted to hear from you. For now I will say goodbye, and wish you all well.

Would you like to see your PTS or training group featured here? We desperately need more photographs to feature. Can you help?  If so please Contact us.

We express our grateful appreciation to those people
who have contributed the original photographs
used to produce the News Pages.

1. News heading photo (all dates) - John Reeves
2. Bristol Southmead Gold (April) - John Reeves
3. St Bartholomew's Gold (April) - Ruth Watkin-Jones
4. Haygarth Silver (April) - 'ukhistory' (ebay)
5. Newcastle LS (April) - Peter Backman (Nursing badges)
6. RRC Medal (April)  photo's- 'Caulgisbo' (ebay)
8. 'catandfrog' (July) - (ebay).
9. bokojnr (Dec) - (ebay).
10. blue.bottle (Dec) - (ebay).
11. 'backman' - (ebay).*
12. Hotminicooper (Jun) - (ebay).
13. Right-one50 (Oct - (ebay).
14. jcollinsmedals (Dec - (ebay).
15. Brittania Medals (Dec 2009).
16. elaine3080 (Feb 2010) - (ebay).
17. Fran Biley (Feb 2010) - schoolsofnursing.
18. St Andrews Children's Hospice - Grimsby.
19.themedalcentre - (ebay).
 20. Christmas 1923 - Eric Wilkinson, schoolsofnursing.
21. past-modern - (ebay).
22. susie1156 - (ebay).
23. redsunshine525 - (ebay).
24. nbarton8 - (ebay).
25. magpieantics - (ebay)
26. rayofhope0 - (ebay).
27. Anotheluckb - (ebay).
28. Helen M Coan.
29. yazandlaz - (ebay).
30. delroyb - (ebay).
31. Burmeseblue - (ebay).
32. amersham417 - (ebay).
33.Bethesda - (ebay).
34. nikkibarnard - (ebay).
35. madeinireland - ebay.
36. jamesmcg - (ebay).
37. pugwash - schoolsofnursing.
38. Sarah Rogers - schoolsofnursing.
39. Phil -
40. Bill, schoolsofnursing.

All Copyrights are Asserted

*11. -  'backman' is also creator and webmaster of the 'nursingbadges'
'historyofhospitals' websites - now sadly closed with the demise of 'Multiply'.

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