Collecting Nursing History

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Welcome to the 'Collecting Nursing History' contents page. Here you will find our published information to date on this topic. There are only a small number of pages right now, but several are in the process of development. These will be added as soon as available. Unique...

All current links are listed - dated and briefly described, below...

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Collecting Nursing History - Internal Page Links
Collecting Badges NH1 November 2007 Vol 1.1 Our very first article on collecting nursing and hospital badges; what they are; why they were issued. Ways to collect them.  Illustrated and described...
Badge Designs NH2
May 2008 Vol 2.1
Built from her SoN forum posts by Sue Sullivan, a practising nurse and collector describes the complex designs found on nursing and hospital badges. Illustrated and described.  Well worth reading...
1962 SRN Final Written Exam Sample
July 2008 Vol 2.1
A sample front page from General Nursing Council for England and Wales State Final Written Examinations of June, 1962. You may need your
Nurse History - Mary Ellen Watkin - St Bartholemews, London. Finalising Links.
Collecting Nursing Badges
Edelweiss James
The reproduction of a 1992 article on collecting badges by Edelweiss James. Edelweiss is also the author of a forthcoming book about nursing badges.
Collecting Replica Badges
Ali Costelloe
Urban Explorer and ebay seller 'alicostelloe' who tells us here how he came to enter the badge reproduction field...
Collecting Buckles & Badges
Edelweiss James
Buckles and Badges. Another article by Edelweiss James. Edelweiss is also the author of a forthcoming book about nursing badges.
Collecting Badges NH8
April 2010 Vol 4.1 
Our latest article on collecting badges - this time General Nursing Council for England & Wales state registration badges; what they are; why they were issued. Ways to collect them.  Part 1 - Detailed, fully Illustrated and described...
Nurse History - Sister Marjorie Earley - St Mary's Portsmouth/QARANC TANS, Our latest nurse history is now on-line and open! Over 50 photographs. A family Tree. And of course a detailed nurse history which has been thoroughly researched. Another superb history to add to our collection! Latest Nurse history.
Collecting Badges NH13
Aug 2011 Vol 5.4 Update Oct 2013
An unidentified badge - recently identified by 'backman' - located in SoN galleries here:- Search location: 'Guild of St Barnabus'.
Collecting Badges NH15
May 2012 Vol 6.3
Outstanding Nightingale items - the Nightingale Hospital badge of Miss Barbara Tyler, Assistant Matron-in-Charge at St. Thomas' Hydestile, (Godalming, Surrey) 1941.
Collecting Badges NH16
Sarah Rogers.
The London Hospital Aid Society Badge -  Detailed, fully Illustrated and described with superb original design and drawings supplied by badgemakers Toye, Kenning & Spencer...
Collecting Badges NH17
Sarah Rogers
The London Hospital Badge: History, Evolution and Identity.... Fully detailed history and superb illustrations...
Nurse History NH18
Sarah Rogers
Withdrawn Pending
Nurse History NH20
January 2013 Vol 7.1  Current/Ongoing
Miss Barbara Tyler's Photograph Scrap Book - ongoing development with each SoN news page.
Collecting Badges NH21
Sarah Rogers
Hospital Leagues and their badges.
Collecting Badges NH22
Sarah Rogers 
Researching Nursing Badges - Original Recipient Histories - Ann Maddock-Jones
Nurse History NH25
Sarah Rogers  
Evolution of the London Hospital Badge. (Very well written and presented - well illustrated with numerous photographs).
Nurse History NH26
Sarah Rogers.
Nurse Lilian Teasdale (1877-1969) and Kent Nursing Institute..
Nurse History NH27
Sarah Rogers
Nurse Elsie Winifred Ellis - Poplar Accident Hospital - London.
Nurse History NH28
Sarah Rogers
A Maidstone Typhoid Medal and Epidemic.
Nurse History NH29
Sarah Rogers
Variations on Collecting Nursing Badges - Influence of the London Hospital.
Nurse History NH30
Sarah Rogers
Nursing Sister Lilian Ainsworth 1872-1951.  Well illustrated with photographs.
Nurse History NH31
Sarah Rogers
Nursing Sister Florence Catherine Puddicombe 1867-1943.   - Again well illustrated with photographs.
Nurse History NH33
Sarah Rogers
Nursing Sister Ada Maria Blake - 1885 - 1978.
Nurse History NH34
Sarah Rogers
Nursing Sister Dorothy Elizabeth Jortan - 1886 -1960: The London Hospital.
Nurse History NH35
Sarah Rogers
Florence Mary Yemm - The London Hospital
Nurse History NH36
Sarah Rogers
Metropolitan Asylums Board Medals and London County Council Hospital Badges
Nurse History NH37
Sarah Rogers
Sister Lucy Cox - 1883-1984 - civilian nurse and war-time Sister in the QAIMNS (R).
Nurse History NH38
Sarah Rogers.
Muriel Mary Williams - Birmingham Children's Hospital; St Bartholomew's Hospital; Queen Elizabeth United Hospital Birmingham.
Nurse History NH39
Sarah Rogers
Mary Richard - Mildmay Mission Hospital, Shoreditch.
Nurse History NH40
Sarah Rogers
A tale of three Nightingales. (Catherine Ethel McMinn Graham; Mary Mildred Pickering; and Victoria Watson -Taylor).
Nurse History NH41
Sarah Rogers
Louisa Dorothy Noakes 1900-1983.
Nurse History NH42
Sarah Rogers
Eleanor Mason, nee Jasper, 1875-1938.  History and outstanding badge set.
Nurse History NH43
Sarah Rogers
Helen Waddell 1878-1949. Very nice badges & Medals.
Nurse History NH44
Sarah Rogers
Amy Rosalie Scott, 1896-1967.
Nurse History NH45
Will Burgess
Post Boxes. Collecting Nursing Badges.
Nurse History NH46
Antony Smith
Nostalgic Nursing Memoirs.
Nurse History NH47
Sarah Rogers
Amy Violet Byng, 1875-1950
Nurse History NH48
Sarah Rogers
Agnes Emily Dundas, 1884 - 1965
Nurse History NH49
Sarah Rogers
Constance Louisa Boycott, nee Agg, 1870-1967
Nurse History NH50
Sarah Rogers
Isabella Tiplady. 1892-1971?
Nurse History NH51
Sarah Rogers
Maud ‘Kathleen’ Moor, 1888-1979
Nurse History NH52
Sarah Rogers
Catherine Matilda Jamieson, 1885- 1967
Nurse History NH53
Sarah Rogers
Eva Summers 1878- 1923
Nurse History NH54
Sarah Rogers
Frances Mary Macdonald (nee Charles), 1885 -
Nurse History NH55
Sarah Rogers
Sarah ‘Alice’ Claridge, 1872-1957
Nurse History NH56
Susan Barker
Amy Ann Braddick  1906 Jan 13 - 27 Dec 2004  
Nurse History NH57
Susan Barker
Mary Elizabeth Jefferys 1866-1908
Nurse History NH58
Susan Barker
Mary Josephine (aka May) Leonard
Nurse History NH60
Will Burgess
Nurse Belts & Buckles
Nurse History NH61
Will Burgess
Badge Manufacturers and their Marks
Nurse History NH62
Will Burgess
Schools of Nursing NEWS PAGE 51 - A News Page Outline
Nurse History NH63
Allan Curtiss
Nurse News Pages - Where do we go from Here?
Nurse History NH64
Will Burgess
Hospital scarves
Nurse History NH65
Will Burgess
New 'Post-Box 2'
Nurse History NH66
Will Burgess
Fixings and fastenings Part 1; From safety pins to magnets   to Studs!
Nurse History NH67
Will Burgess
Fixings and fastenings Part 2; From GNC badge fixings to cloth badges to Bullion. And Ms Ducat- Amos: Do not miss this........
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