Site News
July 2022
(Vol 16  Issue 3) 



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Welcome to our sixty-second news page here at Schools of Nursing.  This is our third issue for 2022. Our fifteenth birthday is approaching- November 2022!!

We do apologize for the long delays, among many other things a family bereavement.
*Publishing errors. We do have one or two. Please - if you do see errors, just say so, I will be offended and remove them asap!!

The article links in this column - 'Badge Manufacturers' marks and 'Nurse belts & buckles & Badges' - are continued  below.

1. Post-Boxes 2.  Link
Nurse Badges, pins and memorabilia from East London Children’s Hospitals. Link.
2. Nurse Belts and Buckles. Last additions - a rare 'Naval Nursing Service nurses buckle; and one possibly related to the London Jewish
Schools of Nursing NEWS PAGE 51 - 'A News Page Outline' - is a brazen attempt to show the origins of  Link.
4. Badge manufacturers and their Maker Marks. (No Change)
5. Miss Ann Braddick - Military Nose/Hospital Matron - QA/Bristol Southmead Hospital/Matron 
St John's Hospital, Towbridge, Wilts. Link

The Nursing badges public gallery - nursesue's Gallery start.

We now have 5 galleries which are open to the public without login.  'nursesue's' gallery is the latest.  They take a LOT of time:-

1. Eric's Gallery - The original and much neglected gallery still awaiting update.
2. Peter's 'backman' gallery - 50 pages of 24 badges per page and 1250 pages  - (2400 photographs). CLICK LINK...
3. Mike's 'myk1066' gallery - 17)pages of 24 badges per page and 34 pages - (816 photographs) *with more in progress.
4. Barry Sutton's gallery is now started and updates will follow as soon as possible - many more badges - en-route.... CLICK LINK...  
5. **nursesue's gallery is started and the first page is online now. CLICK LINK...  

(*Temporarily - You may need to use your browser 'back' button to get back here).

Our original aim is unchanged.  'Individual hospital/school locations have been (and are still being) added; badge shapes; materials used; badge weights; type of fixings; central design (picture) ; inscriptions on the rear (nurse names/dates/maker marks/hallmarks where applicable); designer/s; manufacturers; number made; and dates first awarded are all salient points in our quest being addressed'. Reverse sides being added to each badge wherever we have the photographs.

In short, everyone who has agreed to our publishing a public gallery will have one - using their own photographs wherever possible. We must surely have a copy of almost every UK nursing/hospital badge ever produced.

Click a badge photograph to see the single page!  The links can take you back and forward - a page at a time (24 badges per page) - for all 1310 pages if you like.  Or go to the 'Gallery Start" page at the bottom of any individual badge to get back to the numbered 24 badge page. Sound complicated but you will quickly get the hang of it - promise!

Email messages - Training Transcripts - Qualified Nurses.
In our experience it has not been possible for nurses seeking transcripts from schools which no longer exist to obtain copies. However, we can offer a couple of links which may help in your search, *But please note: We simply cannot respond to transcript requests. 
Member Photograph Galleries.
Still accumulating, albeit very more slowly. The 'National' galleries now contain 6338,000 nursing/hospital badge photographs encompassing all areas of the UK; 594 photographs (buildings/people/ephemera); and 189 photographs (nurse uniforms), both civilian and military. We have achieved 603,000 already! By the end of 2022?  7000 is a target. It is possible. We continue to make solid progress and will perhaps achieve the largest collection in the UK, if we are not already there. New additions continue, albeit slowly...

National Galleries
Member Uploads

Photographic rights Asserted

1. William Turner (Lt)
2. BarrySutton (Rt)

St Marys Hospital.
Melton Memorial Hospital.

Rutland Memorial Hospital.
Catmose Vale Hospital.

We are now at 6681 - 7000 now seems a possibility. We are on the way and just maybe, we will see another magic number this year, thanks to our many contributors. And it is not just a matter of quantity but rather a combination of quantity and quality. The quality of additions made to the site - both in the way of photographs and contributions to our forum has created an irreplaceable contribution to nursing history. We can now claim to have a mini photographic museum here at schoolsofnursing. Sincere, heartfelt, thanks...

But the photographs are not our be all/end all. Our online articles (42) are gaining too, to say nothing of our nursing histories and news pages. There is a great deal of research involved. Someone's time. Someone's money. All given selflessly without thought of gain. What we have here are the seeds of success.

But please, don't break copyrights when uploading/sending photographs. If you are ever uncertain please ask us. Most copyright holders we have met so far have been only to keen to assist.

And if you want to join - welcome to the Forum and Member Galleries -
Register Here.

Failed Registration. Please be aware, our site is rated on Google by Norton Internet Security as being absolutely safe. *We intend to keep it that way. You can help by using a reasonable ID and your own genuine email address. Anything that appears dubious may result in failed registration. Our site is free to users. It is hosted by the largest ISP in Europe at commercial rates - with highly professional back-up. Safe and secure!

Certainly our visitors are wide ranging - from 44 countries worldwide... Australia & New Zealand and Canada are well represented in addition to the UK and USA. There are also some more esoteric sounding countries - China; Russia; Cayman Islands; Japan; Malaysia; plus Romania and Spain.

E-Mail Contact - 'contact' link (here and throughout the site) arrives directly on the webmaster's desk. Use it to communicate directly with the site. All mail is considered confidential unless the contents are stated to be otherwise. Stated to be for public consumption by you. Publication itself is an editorial decision. **Please note that we cannot supply transcripts of training.

Collecting... New, very new!

On a completely different subject - 'Nurse Scarves'!!

Yes, I am repeating myself!! Last month I said that
......I am not trying to invent another category, since one probably exists already, but I don't personally recall a scarf being part of a regular nurse uniform? But then perhaps every modern university school of nursing faculty offers it's own scarves? No matter, not in my day.  The Hospital Tailor/Seamstress certainly did a fine job of measuring up our men and women and creating those superb uniforms, but when they were issued there was no scarf included, or if there was I certainly didn't get one!

However at 18 years of age the lack of a scarf didn't bother me, especially as I received my uniform in June or July. It wasn't exactly cold then. But we did have to sign for everything so I would have noticed a missing item....


A very nice scarf and cloth badge from Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary.

All photographs copyright

A nice silk scarf from Gartloch psychiatric hospital in Scotland.

Gartloch Hospital Scarf. Base Gartloch Road near the village of Gartcosh in Glasgow, Scotland.

The King Edward VII Hospital for Officers silk scarf with embroidered badge is nice. The badge I have added is not identical, as we do not have an exact copy of that depicted on the actual scarf.

King Edward VII Hospital for Officers London

Certainly my wife had a double blue striped woolen scarf some years ago which she assures me originated from her time at Gt Ormond St (GOSH) hospital. Unfortunately I lost it by leaving it in the car of a Senior Nursing Officer in Suffolk and never did manage to get it back.  I mention this only because he might read this (and still have it!) and feel that she should have it back - time goes on....

but back to the current issue... 'scarves'.  There are several  versions of this badge. If I can locate a better badge image before publication I will exchange it, but this is the best match so far.  All versions seem to highlight the lamp of knowledge and learning, but this is the closest match so far

RVH (Royal Victoria Hospital) Belfast scarf

You might just have started, or perhaps 're-started', a nurse uniform category!

If so I will be eternally grateful. I do wonder though if my wardrobe is physically large enough to cope!  Certainly if all Colleges of Nursing have their own university scarf I have no chance without opening a department store!

This has been a challenging area to present accurately, especially attempting to match the photographs of the scarves to the badges without accurate date information, but no doubt we will be able to correct any misleads originally presented

Presenting a whole new gallery of scarves could be a rather more difficult proposition demanding rather more research than we can currently cope with -  we will have to see how things pan-out.  We will do our best!!

, in a recurring dream - that
you had to prepare an academic paper to be published on the origins of the history of the  British Nursing Scarves. Start to finish! You have 1000 words and three hours. Start Now!!....  Before you wake up in the exam room....


377 Photographs from the past

Schools of Nursing - Symbols of Care


**From: Edelweiss James - Correction - there are 377 photographs and medals within the book. Edelweiss mistakenly said 177...

Well, that is yet another very pleasant note upon which to end the 61st Schools of Nursing Site News..... Next update SEPTEMBER 2022.

Would you like to see your PTS or training group featured here? We desperately need more photographs to feature. Can you help?  If so please Contact us.

We express our grateful appreciation to those people who have contributed the original photographs
used to produce the News Pages.

1. News heading photo (all dates) - John Reeves
2. Bristol Southmead Gold (April) - John Reeves
3. St Bartholomew's Gold (April) - Ruth Watkin-Jones
4. Haygarth Silver (April) - 'ukhistory' (ebay)
5. Newcastle LS (April) - Peter Backman (Nursing badges)
6. RRC Medal (April)  photo's- 'Caulgisbo' (ebay)
8. 'catandfrog' (July) - (ebay).
9. bokojnr (Dec) - (ebay).
10. blue.bottle (Dec) - (ebay).
11. 'backman' - (ebay).*
12. Hotminicooper (Jun) - (ebay).
13. Right-one50 (Oct - (ebay).
14. jcollinsmedals (Dec - (ebay).
15. Brittania Medals (Dec 2009).
16. elaine3080 (Feb 2010) - (ebay).
17. Fran Biley (Feb 2010) - schoolsofnursing.
18. St Andrews Children's Hospice - Grimsby.
19.themedalcentre - (ebay).
 20. Christmas 1923 - Eric Wilkinson, schoolsofnursing.
21. past-modern - (ebay).
22. susie1156 - (ebay).
23. redsunshine525 - (ebay).
24. nbarton8 - (ebay).
25. magpieantics - (ebay)
26. rayofhope0 - (ebay).
27. Anotherluckyb - (ebay).
28. Helen M Coan.
29. yazandlaz - (ebay).
30. delroyb - (ebay).
31. Burmeseblue - (ebay).
32. amersham417 - (ebay).
33.Bethesda - (ebay).
34. nikkibarnard - (ebay).
35. madeinireland - ebay.
36. jamesmcg - (ebay).
37. pugwash - schoolsofnursing.
38. Sarah Rogers - schoolsofnursing.
40. Bill, schoolsofnursing.
alastaircox - (ebay).
42. Margaret Maxwell - (ebay).
43. soisjack - (ebay).
44. blubberlover - (ebay).
45. the collectique - (ebay).
47. Dart Silver Lid - ebay
48. 'gawincole' - ebay
49. Dr Patricia Mumford
57. The Welcome Institutue
58. Val Smyth.
59. Rebbeca D.
60. Sue Sullivan (SoN)
61. 'backman'@schoolsofnursing.
62. Krismercer@SoN
63. Siobahn Parry
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