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Started by wilfb, October 16, 2008, 08:53:46 PM

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just wonderful - but I'm about to put a cat amongst the pigeons by posting a photo of my recent buckle find


Cats & Pigeons eh' Sue?

No problem!  Looks a super possible addition(?).

Send us more details and a larger picture please...



And welcome to the 51st issue of SoN news - March 2020.

Our last issue (51 - March) is another exceptional issue.  It does surpass the last!! Really...
Our articles (particularly 60 (  nursing buckles) has again been updated.  The new addition is the named and dated buckle and badge of Bristol Eye Hospital - magic!

'Collectors Corner' is worth yet another special look - our newly acquired Bristol Eye Hospital pictures are a definite first...

And also the already started Barry Suttons gallery is now open for first looks...

Editing this page has remained difficult because the Covid 19 situation.

Our  thanks to all contributors - and again especially to our Tech' Admin 'adrianb' without whom none would have been possible. Thank you all..._

Keep safe - I won't mention hand washing!




Well, the final date advertised for our June 2020 News page (June 30th) came and left without me - yesterday!!

But we managed it today (1st July) and here are with our fifty-second SoN News Page.

For all the work, there doesn't seem much to put on-line (there is of course plenty already there) with the gallery pages continuing and articles being prepared. 'Collectors Corner' also reports no new additions, but there is a fair amount there to perhaps reacquaint with past events.

A couple of new South-African badges are certainly worth a look - promise.

This month has again been particularly difficult. Covid 19 certainly has not helped, and the loss of a close friend was not good news by anyone's measure. 

On the bright side - and yes, there is one - We were locked down on Crete before we were due to return earlier in the year (Greece locked down almost before anyone else) and decided to remain until we deemed it safe to return to the UK.  The weather is superbly hot. HOT! We are looking forward to returning - hopefully soon. Our first flights from the UK to Chania are not for another week or so, so we are watching carefully our UK situation.

Enjoy the  read...




Well, the final date advertised for our August 2020 News page (August 31) came and left without me again - two days ago - Apologies!!

But we managed the upload today (2nd Sept) - and here are with our fifty-third SoN News Page.

A lot of work again and I hope something to show for it.  'Collectors Corner' has new additions (St Bartholomew's 1897 (!) buckle, plus a scarce silver plated nurses belt & buckle for the Middlesex Hospital London. Mounted on its original Ward Sisters' Petersham belt).

A couple more 'National' badges - North East Manchester SoN Enrolled Nurse badge and a University College of Worcester badge - Nice.

Again another particularly difficult month. Covid 19 certainly has not helped. We look like canceling a booked flight to the UK too. Perhaps the new gallery being added for 'nursesue' will get more time now.... 

On the bright side - and yes, there is one - We are still on Crete - we were due to return shortly but have decided to remain until it is deemed safe to return, seems more sensible. It is still superbly hot. HOT! 39oC right now. We were [/u] looking forward to returning - having not seen our family for so long now. But we know many who are and have had worse times.

Enjoy the  read - make our struggle with the elements worthwhile!!...



wonderful as always personally I'd stay in crete better weather, better food and no wee nippy !!! who in her wisdom has now ::) decided that anyone coming from Greece must self isolate O am so fed up with it all what i need is a decent saganaki and a large cold mythos......



Hi. Ok - but I can't take it to the post (Saganaki/Mythos) as we are still locked down.

I have a suggestion.  I will eat/drink tomorrow and you must trust me to enjoy!!

And Oh' I do want to get back to Waddo soon - they have that huge runway and much nearby Guinness!! Nearly time for the next news Sue - But first it's Sunday tomorrow - eggs and bacon for tea!! Without the Guinness I'm afraid....

Take good care,



Well, the first January news page this year went up online and on time!!

And here are with our fifty-sixth SoN News Page.  Welcome to 2021....

Once again again there was considerable hard work - several technical issues - and I hope something to show for it.

A lot of work again and I hope something to show for it.  Belt/Buckles galore!! THREE! RAF; Royal Cornwall Hospital; Prudential Assurance; Two nice badges in 'National Galleries' - Brighton ODA plus a Hosp for Sick Children Bazaar Coronation medal; 'nursesue's gallery update is ONLINE;  it is a 'must" read +++, another 24 superb badges - plus of course a fully finding gallery page.

On the bright side - and yes, there is one - We are still on Crete - we were due to return in early April but have decided to remain until it is deemed safe to return, seems more sensible.  We are missing our family and friends - but we know many who are and have had, and are still having, worse times.

Enjoy the  read - make our struggle worthwhile!! Please...




Well, the second - March news page this year went online three days early!!

So here are with our fifty-seventh SoN News Page. And quite an issue too - don't miss this one....

We have been able to add  some really nice additions to collectors corner, including both badges and buckles and not finding a number of donated badges for which we are very grateful indeed, sincerely.

PLUS - a very special request for assistance from a retired surgeon, Dixie Mills, who included a photograph of her grandmother in uniform around 1910 (published herein) asking for assistance with researching..., **If you can help please let me know and I will pass your link to Dixie.

It's a good read and has more additions to - belts ad Buckles, which continue apace!

Enjoy the  read - make our work worthwhile!! Please...



Many thanks for that, nice read and and well done on another issue. Re the article on East London Children's Hospital badges.  I was not aware there were two other variants of the GOSH round badge, my blue one with red enamelling to the centre makes it 3 variants and I would love to know the significance of the red enamel.  Also no mention is made of the maroon varient of the green EN badge, again I'd like to know of its purpose.


Hi Myk,

Can you elaborate a little more please - I don't seem to know about three variants.


Ps. A photo maybe Myk


There is a red enamelled version of the green rectangular shaped badge.  I have the more popular round badge with red enamel to its centre rather than blue.  There are 2 variants of the round blue badge and it's the wording which is different and this is pointed out in the article.
Hope this makes sense.

Sarah Rogers

This is just an idea, but we had GOSH student nurses with us at LH, for general experience whilst doing their combined RGN/RSCN training. I always wondered if they got an LH badge to, but never heard of one who did. So perhaps the different colours reflect which general hospital they went to for the RN part?


There was also an earlier version of the round badge with wording (GOSH ) Nurses League


I know the GOSCH combined RGN/RSCN at Orpington where I trained were awarded the same Farnborough School of Nursing badge I was awarded for their general training.

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